Matthew Polasub

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University of Washington

  • Pursuing Bachelor of Science in Informatics
  • Expected graduation in 2026

Wordplay @ UW

  • Collaborated on Wordplay, an open source IDE/programming language designed to increase accessibility in programming for those with disabilities and/or language barriers
  • Quickly acquired proficiency in Wordplay language, learning on the go and using it to create multiple physics and audio-based web applications, effectively showcasing language capabilities and significantly boosting user engagement
  • Effectively communicated project/issue details in a highly collaborative, multi-discipline team environment.

Projects displayed in the next page

Canvas HW Collector

A GUI app for students to transfer their assignments from Canvas to a CSV
(skip to 0:57 for the demo)

GitHub | Download

Tools: Python, Selenium, Pandas, CTk

This Python web automation project uses Selenium to traverse through all of the "Assignments" pages on Canvas for each course (in the specified quarter) that the user is enrolled in, and collects the assignment data to format into a CSV file using Pandas. This app was packaged using PyInstaller and the installer was created using Inno Setup. I used CustomTkinter to build the front-end, and Canva to design the graphics. Please watch the video to see why I made this project!


Social media android application with mood tracking feature
(demo video coming soon!)


Tools: Java, Firebase, Figma

Ribbit adopts an object oriented design approach and utilizes Firebase backend features such as authentication, realtime database, and storage to allow users to create Ribbit accounts and share posts online. Users are also able to view their profile and upload profile pictures. Along with the ability to share media, Ribbit allows the user to select a "mood" to go along with a post. Moods are stored in Firebase and displayed in a mood tracking chart at the end of each month. App is planned to be published on the Google Play Store by Summer 2024. Collaborated with Elle Yamamoto who helped with the UI design.


Earthquake tracking Android mobile application designed to provide real-time information about earthquake occurrences using Google Maps integration and data sourced from


Tools: Java, Google Maps API, USGS Earthquake API

QuakeUP fetches the latest earthquake data of the past 7 days from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) earthquake API and represents the data visually using the Google Maps API and its built-in markers. Users can easily navigate and zoom in on the map to see earthquake locations, magnitudes, and date. Each earthquake event can be clicked on to display further comprehensive details including depth, geographic coordinates, and time of occurrence. This app utilizes the device's location services to provide users with information about nearby earthquake events.


Online platform for users to share their cultural recipes with the internet
(1st place finish)


Tools: HTML, Python, Django, Bulma

Inspired by a feeling of cultural disconnect, my hackathon team decided to create a web application to help people of various ethnicities find cooking recipes that are close/related to their culture. Munchies allows users to create accounts and post recipes that they would like to digitally share in a Twitter-like format. Users are also able to view profiles of other users and discover new recipies. This project was made by myself, Skyler Sun, Elle Yamamoto, and Rachel Feng.


(Current project)

An Optical Character Recognition Chrome extension that utilizes GPT-4 to extract text from the user's screen


Tools: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, GPT-4 API, Bulma

Once the "Snip" button is clicked, this program captures a screenshot of the user's Google Chrome tab and allows the user to select a specific section of their screen. The selected part will be converted to a PNG file that will be analyzed by GPT-4 through an API call. Any recognized text in the image snippet will be displayed in a textarea attached to the popup that the user can copy from.

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